Working at the car this one of those new jobs the government keeps bragging about to replace all the high paying jobs eliminated in recession? These recent college grads are finding out. The Tax Code <><><> The tax code has something like 19,879 pages. The questions Americans should demand to know is why this is possible? You work for money and you pay taxes. Why would anyone need over 19,000 pages to tell you how to pay taxes? How did this get so out of hand. No one at the IRS could possibly know all 19000 pages. It's like Obama's health care. It's 2500 or more pages. How is that possible? How was it passed without anyone who voted on it having read the thing? America is in a Twilight Zone story. Smoking at the VA When I parked at the VA, right near the door there was a huge older fat woman with an oxygen tank sitting on the curb smoking a cigarette. I tried to stop myself, but I couldn't. As I walked past her I said, ...
My fiction, life in general, and war, with some pics from my Marine days in Vietnam.