A Marine childhood friend, Bill Maag, took this picture of another childhood friend, US Army Paratrooper James Englert. Jimmy was killed by a sniper in August 1968, not long after I came home. Memorial Day When I was younger, I used to attend Memorial Day services at monuments where I live, and sometimes, I would participate. I don't do it much anymore, but I'm glad people honor our war dead a lot more than they did during my tour of Vietnam. Governments start the wars, not the troops, but we became easy targets for radicals and draft dodgers. I believe as long as a person is in your mind, they still exist. So, Jimmy, up there on the wall, will be 19 forever in the minds of his family and those who knew him: skinny, handsome, full of hope for the future. He is gone, but not forgotten. The Numbers Game Of War I'm currently reading Matterhorn by Karl Malantes, about the fictional 24th Marines of the 5th Marine Division in Vietnam. I was in all three Marine di...
My fiction, life in general, and war, with some pics from my Marine days in Vietnam.