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Showing posts from July, 2014

Shrunken Heads

The working cover of Origins. Click to make bigger. Working on my non-fiction book today about all the experiences I've had with the paranormal side and other bizarre events in my life. It's flowing good. I've just edited the first 90 pages again. When I actually sit and think about it, I've had some really bizarre stuff happen to me.  I was thinking about the shrunken head incident this morning. I was at the Natural History museum years ago and they had two Amazon River tribe shrunken heads in a glass case. When I got near the heads they started swinging back and forth. When I moved away they stopped. They didn't move when anyone else got near them, but each time I came close they started swinging while in an airtight glass case. The people I was with got kind of nervous after I showed them what the heads did and we had to leave the room. Pretty weird. Visit the Dennis and Dorothy Marino (Latham) Facebook page Big Band Vocalists

Seeking Women On House Arrest Pictures

True love is a many splendored but sometime shocking thing... Seeking More Pictures I'm still looking for more pictures for my new non-fiction book Women On House Arrest and the Men Who Love Them. I know it's non-fiction, but I will not use real names. I did use the real names of the people above: Nikkoli and Skeeter Restangruder. But they requested their real names be used, since it is not really their real names because they are in a witness protection program under other names. They are hard to get in touch with by normal means. I believe they are somewhere in Alaska. What I intend to show in this book is that relationships can survive almost anything, as long as one of the partners has some money and the ability to live in one place for awhile. I also plan to explore the different brands and manufacturers of ankle bracelets, and the scam artists who often sell small town court systems electronic dog fences in place of house arrest bracelets like the one Nikkoli is we...