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Showing posts from December, 2014

Owning Your Own Killer Tank

This is Elizabethtown, Ohio. The town doesn't have a store or gas station. It has a bar, a scrapyard, a gravel pit, and what Ohio people call a drive-thru Pony Keg. It also has six working military tanks. This resident owns a tank. He keeps it in front of his house, and I know it moves because it's gone at times. I wish I had my own tank. People don't screw with you much when you have a working tank parked in front of your house. I believe it's an Iranian tank, captured during the war with Saddam back in the eighties. Such advanced technology will enable Iranians to compete with our technology in the next three or four hundred years, after they develop a slingshot with a long enough rubber band to launch their nuclear weapons. I did some checking and found out there are 994 working tanks owned by private citizens in the United States. There were so many that the Bush and now Obama Administrations had once considered shipping all of them to Iraq and making the...