PEAF Watch Out (Update on the world of domestic intelligence. I reported on this last year but the project failed to receive budget funding. This time it should go into effect so watch out.) New Terror Alert Takes Effect In March 2017 After Delay In March 2016 Concerned that terrorists may abandon suicide vests, an alert was issued today under the heading PEAF for all United States public transportation. PEAF stands for Plastic Explosive Anus Filler . Most people are unaware that Homeland Security agents investigate possible instances of any terrorist activity involving an explosive packed anus. The new screening procedure was supposed to have taken place March 1, 2016 but was stalled due to funding. It is now part of the new business tax break law that requires the President’s signature. Such explosives are easily made using potassium chlorate and petroleum jelly. Potassium chlorate can be retrieved from common household matches and mixed wit...
My fiction, life in general, and war, with some pics from my Marine days in Vietnam.