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Showing posts from November, 2017

The King of Guilford Santa Program (Real or False)

As soon as I find the missing manuscript, I'll write some more on the tales of Guilford. But until then, a Guilford Santa may be coming your way. From my King of Guilford...or is it fiction? Hire a Guilford Santa This Year...or maybe not.

Give Us Your Muskets, Please...

This picture makes about as much sense as the logic behind this story. Give Us Your Muskets Last Night on Fox News I saw a guy who represented some anti-gun group led by Gabby Gifford. They want to ban muzzle-loaders as weapons of mass destruction. They claim that equipping a muzzle-loader with a silencer will make someone able to become a mass shooter. They don't care that a silencer does not completely muffle a gunshot or doesn't make sense to put a silencer on a powder flintlock. They don't care that it is a single shot cap and ball weapon. They don't care or understand that it takes at least a minute or two between each shot to rig a muzzle-loader to fire again, making it the least likely to be a weapon of any kind of mass destruction. All they care about is trying to regulate the deadly muzzle-loader because it fires a .50 caliber ball. Next they will ban any mention of the Revolutionary War in schools as evil because of muskets. I can see it no...