Been a lot of stress around us lately, dealing most with other things outside the house. Plus, I'm working on my ghost book, and we have a new Doberman. She's six months now and very protective and sleeps with us each night. Before we went to bed, she kept staring and barking at the upper corner near the ceiling in the dining room. It's near the same spot where something evil tried to take me out years ago and I managed to drive it away. About twenty minutes after we went to bed, Greta, sat straight up and growled. She got out of bed, went to the hall windows, saw nothing, and headed downstairs. My wife got out of bed to follow because she said she heard something downstairs, too, and was worried about the dog. A moment later she was running back, yelling for me to get the gun because the alarm was tripped and someone was downstairs. I retrieved my rifle in about 1/10 of second, locked and loaded, and with the dog behind me cleared each room on my way to the alar...
My fiction, life in general, and war, with some pics from my Marine days in Vietnam.