The working cover for my new book. |
I've been up since about four. I wrote some on my non-fiction book, Origins Of Ghosts, about my experiences with ghosts throughout my life. I'm not a ghost expert, have never tried to see a ghost, and have never wanted to see ghosts or have weird stuff happen to me. But I do, and have almost my entire life. I've also been concentrating more on my singing act with my wife, Dorothy. I've come to understand that some outside evil force stops me from ever being successful at anything I do, and another good force protects me from that evil and any possible death attempt that has been directed my way so far.
I know how this sounds, and it has taken me a long time to accept it. My latest brush with death came when I was standing in front of my desk. Right as I sat down, a lightning bolt came though the window without breaking the glass and exploded with a loud snap crack above my head in a blinding ball of light. Had I remained standing, I would have been killed for sure because it would have struck me in the head. The modems and all the electric phones were knocked out. Dorothy, standing in the kitchen, saw the entire thing and couldn't believe it.
Why I sat down at that moment, I don't know. How lightning came through a window without breaking the glass, I have no clue. I haven't asked any experts about the lightning strike. I just accept things as they happen. Many people, because I'm a fiction writer, think I make all this stuff up. I haven't made up any of my own story. I live day to day and try to be the best person I can be in a world that seems to be more insane each day.
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