On the list of most dangerous jobs. The 5 Most Dangerous Jobs In America 1. Police Officer (Job was always dangerous but has now made it to the top of the list as criminal behavior, terrorism, and anarchy are the new norm for some people .) 2. Preacher Wife (Being the wife of a preacher has a high mortality rate, an unusual number of preacher wives die under mysterious circumstances, disappear, or are murdered. Women: think twice before you marry that smooth talking preacher. When he gets a jealous woman on the side, known as a *THOT, your days are numbered. Start sleeping with a gun.) 3. Dog Ball Checker (Indiana has a dog ball tax, 2.00 for female dogs and 4.00 for male dogs, paid yearly. If you lie and get caught, you can be charged with perjury for not claiming dogs or lying about gender. Someone has to check dog balls in every county. Since dogs don't like strangers checking their balls without a fight, this is a very dangerous jo...
My fiction, life in general, and war, with some pics from my Marine days in Vietnam.