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What Is A Deficit And Why Are You Not Concerned?

How much is this bill really worth?

What Is A Deficit
And Why Are You Not Concerned?

I don't know anyone who is concerned about a deficit (other than their own), and I never hear anyone say something like, "Man, I won't eat all this week just so I can send the money to the government to help the deficit."

I've been hearing about the deficit all my life and nothing changes. The cost of living has never gone down and never will. We've always had a government that spends money like crazy. We've always had poor people and we always will. Right now, it seems the government is trying to get rid of the working class and make everyone either rich or poor and government dependent. I've never studied economics for very long. I did once as an extra course in college and I hated it. I went to two lectures and dropped the class because the teachers were full of nonsense. You had people who had never been out of school telling students how life works. Okay. The Smart Guy is here to tell you there is no deficit.

There may have been a deficit at one time when every bit of paper money we issued was backed by the gold in Fort Knox. We've been off the gold standard for years. This means there is nothing backing our money up. The value of our money is what people put on it to buy goods. The government prints money daily, millions and millions of dollars, and this paper is only worth the value consumers put on it to buy things and to cancel debt.

Using this logic, it would seem the government merely has to print up the money we owe and give it to the people we owe the money to and we will be out of debt. It's as simple as that. They know this. They made whole pallets full of money disappear in Iraq, billions of dollars, and no one was ever held accountable. The reason is that it's all just paper until someone spends it.

There is absolutely no reason for income tax and other taxes. We are almost like the Cayman Islands now in America. Everything is imported from somewhere else. This makes the prices higher. So in theory the government could give everyone here a $100,000 tax refund and turn us loose. The economy would boom. Prices would rise, but they keep rising now and most of us don't have two dead flies in our pockets. The rich would still be rich and the poor would somehow manage to be poor again, until the next big money print. 

When you think of it, it's just like the welfare system. You get everything free and never pay back a dime. Does anyone really believe there is enough tax money to cover over 50% of the population getting everything free? Workers can't support such a system very long. They print the money to cover it.

It's only a few days before the government must reach a compromise or be broke. They never threaten to stop welfare payments and the money non-citizens get. No, they threaten old people and veterans with pay loss if they don't pass a budget, but passing a budget means an order to print more money. The arguments in DC over budget are there to make us think they do something for their pay. They just smile and chuckle and go print money.

The deficit is a scam because our money is not backed by gold and the government can print more money to get out of debt. They just don't want you to know it.

Excerpt from the collection This Crazy Life by Dennis Latham (c)copyright 2016
from Y.S. Gazelle Books

This Crazy Life


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