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Allow Me To Quote Myself After 70 Years

After 70 years, each person should be allowed to make some observations on life and current events. Seventy doesn't seem that old, but I've reached the point where I know more dead people than I do live people. The belief for men is that if you make it out of the 50s, you have a good chance of reaching 80 or beyond. That remains to be seen. I also did some quotes at age 60. A few remain the same. In case I don't make it anywhere close to my century mark, here are a few of my quotes about life and current events taken from my vast experience of having survived (as the Indians would say) 70 snows. I feel like an old Indian Chief in many ways. I can imagine how the old chiefs felt giving advice to young warriors to avoid their coming destruction at the hands of foreign invaders. The young people listen and nod and think it never could happen, just before they run off to their doom.

On Credit Cards

"When people used to ask me if I worried about credit card theft, I would say no because I keep mine all spent up to the limit. A thief couldn't buy bubblegum."

On The Military

"I believe most young men join the service hoping for war to prove themselves as men. The military trains you to kill. That's what the military does. Some people, especially politicians, spout high ideals for war. They can do this because most don't have to face combat. There are no high ideals in combat. It's a bunch of strangers trying to kill each other for somebody else. Had circumstances been different you may have gotten along fine with the person you're trying to kill."

On Combat

"I've been in combat. It's addictive, but you pay a price. You have no past or future but only the moment because you can't plan beyond it so you experience life like you never will again. Many people spend the rest of their lives trying to find that combat high again."

On Using The Senses

"I always thought one of the most exciting sensory things in life besides sex was a chocolate malt, followed close by being shot at. Malts won that title."

The Government

"The way the government runs is like the horse track, only maybe a lot more shady at times, and a lot more costly. Our government in 2017 has been compromised. It probably needs to be expunged and the crooks taken out. In their drive for power, the politicians have sold out America for money.  I just don't know if anyone would be left in government to start over. They hate Donald Trump basically because he can't be bought off. That's unheard of in politics. That's why Kennedy was killed."

On Vietnam

"When I went to Danang to go on R and R, I saw a guy with skin white as a sheet wearing a Bronze Star with a combat V on his tans. I knew this guy had not been in the field. I asked him what he did to get the Bronze Star. He said he worked in a computer bunker and during a rocket attack he reached up and turned the lights off."What the hell difference did that make?" I said. "They can only aim rockets in the general direction anyway." He just shrugged, and I shook my head at the absurdity of it all."


"North Korea is no threat to America. This is a distraction to make people ignore the real problems in America. We are foreign owned, media and all. I believe a high altitude EMP will bring America down at some point. Most people won't survive without electric, cell phones, cars, no police, and food. The big cities will become places of pure terror. This is not science fiction."  

Muslim Immigrants

"It's all a scam and a lie. Why would these people want to leave a crappy country to come to America so they can turn America into the same crappy country they left behind?"


"I'm a Marine, always. I live by a strict code of honor. Even at my age, I would fight for my country again. People who don't want to be American should leave. There should be no flags from other countries flying in America. Too many have died for our flag and country. Most people don't care anymore."

Thank You For Your Service

"I hate when people say that or when anyone who is in the military is called a hero. Being in boot camp does not make you a hero. When you are born in America, you sign an unwritten contract to defend America. That's a given. It's way too late for Vietnam vets. Most of us are bitter at the way we were treated on our return, and it bothers me when people say "thank you for your service" today, because I know that was started, not out of patriotism, but because of guilt of those who would not defend their country."


"We all get those calls. Just answer with 'Ralph's Meat House, Can't Beat Our Meat.' They will always hang up."


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