Our World
it boils down to in all society or beliefs is money, power, and sex. That's it.
Those three things are the end motivation for everything that exists. Even in
the poorest of nations or centers of religion, someone in power has the money,
and money means power and sex. All the other utopian beliefs are just a means
to attain money, power, and sex. In every country there are rich and poor. It's always been that way and it always will.
The End Is Coming?
A lot of people think the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. I say it's going to end on November 6, 2012, one way or the other. I have been bombarded by political email for the past four years, each and every day. It's unreal. I will be glad when tomorrow is over and the election is decided. Either way, life is about to change for all of us, and I don't see anything positive on the horizon. I wish I could see some hope for the future, but it's hard to imagine anything positive happening. At some point, the current democracy we enjoyed for so long will collapse under its own weight and from traitors within our own government.
That is the failing of democracy. It has to let those who would destroy it operate because it is a democracy. So in the end, democracy seems to be the first step a country makes before it falls into extreme socialism or communism. We are on the threshold. I just hope we can survive as a nation.
I'll be singing Saturday November 10th. Along with my wife we are performing our big band vocals act at a local restaurant/bar. Using canned music, because actual big bands are scarce, we do songs from 30s to 70s: a lot of Sinatra and others for me, and my wife does many of the famous women singers from that era. It should be a good show. It's also the Marine Corps birthday #237. All Marines will be celebrating the brotherhood. I'm proud to be one of them.
Prisoner Last Statements
April 12, 1986
Offender: Charles William Bass #662
Last Statement:
"I deserve this. Tell everyone I
said goodbye."
November 12, 1991
Offender: G.W. Green #576 Last
do it, man. Lock and load. Ain’t life a bitch?"
March 3, 1992
Offender: Edward Ellis #749 Last
just want everyone to know that the prosecutor and Bill Scott are sorry sons of
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