Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared without a trace on March 8, 2014. It must be horrible for the families of the passengers and the crew to not know what happened. I've always wondered why, out of 300 or so people, no one had been able, company or family, to pick up some kind of pings from cell phones. They have the ability to track a cell phone anywhere, and somewhere doing a flight someone had to turn on a cell phone or a laptop.
But what if the plane had been hijacked and landed somewhere. What would be the fate of the passengers? Chances are they may have been taken out in flight through decompression.
I think it's somewhere being armed with a nuke, and a suicide mission is going to take the plane as high as it can go above the United States or even Europe and explode the nuke, creating a massive EMP ( Electro Magnetic Pulse)that will literally take out all electricity, all electric motors, computers, communication, basically anything with a motor or hard drive. Planes will fall from the sky. If your car runs, when the tank is empty, that's it. No one will be able to communicate or travel. Their will be no gas. It could take months or years to fix, if ever. Homeland Security says this is their biggest concern and estimates that if this ever happens, 90% of the population in America will die within six months. Imagine that.
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