Talk of Civil War in America
There is always talk of Civil War in America. I just want to know if we all have to dress like we're in Road Warrior or a Goth Band to participate?
What if you don't live near a desert so you can drive around without purpose? Will the electric stay on so everyone can raid grocery and drug stores to grab stuff they don't need?
If you don't have any weapons will a big stick or a ball bat or a knife really help? Can you reason with people who want to kill you and raid and pillage? Will little kids all have to dress like cavemen?
How can you tell who is on your side? Will everyone just wear a blue or red Scream face? Will people still report to work if they have a job or will they have "closed for anarchy days". Will anything remain open?
Since most families are divided now, will people shoot their own relatives over politics? What happens when there are no longer cell phones, internet, cable, and toilet paper?
What happens when the free money and food stamps doesn't exist anymore? What will America do without the Reese Cup?
These are just a few of the questions people must ask before they seriously consider starting a Civil War
I like the clothes I wear now. I don't want to have to dress like a caveman or a leather store.