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Showing posts from 2014

Owning Your Own Killer Tank

This is Elizabethtown, Ohio. The town doesn't have a store or gas station. It has a bar, a scrapyard, a gravel pit, and what Ohio people call a drive-thru Pony Keg. It also has six working military tanks. This resident owns a tank. He keeps it in front of his house, and I know it moves because it's gone at times. I wish I had my own tank. People don't screw with you much when you have a working tank parked in front of your house. I believe it's an Iranian tank, captured during the war with Saddam back in the eighties. Such advanced technology will enable Iranians to compete with our technology in the next three or four hundred years, after they develop a slingshot with a long enough rubber band to launch their nuclear weapons. I did some checking and found out there are 994 working tanks owned by private citizens in the United States. There were so many that the Bush and now Obama Administrations had once considered shipping all of them to Iraq and making the...

Flight 370: A Possible EMP Weapon?

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared without a trace on March 8, 2014. It must be horrible for the families of the passengers and the crew to not know what happened. I've always wondered why, out of 300 or so people, no one had been able, company or family, to pick up some kind of pings from cell phones. They have the ability to track a cell phone anywhere, and somewhere doing a flight someone had to turn on a cell phone or a laptop. But what if the plane had been hijacked and landed somewhere. What would be the fate of the passengers? Chances are they may have been taken out in flight through decompression. I think it's somewhere being armed with a nuke, and a suicide mission is going to take the plane as high as it can go above the United States or even Europe and explode the nuke, creating a massive EMP ( Electro Magnetic Pulse)that will literally take out all electricity, all electric motors, computers, communication, basically anything with a motor or hard ...

I Review Sharknado 2

It was enough to make your head explode. Sharknado 2 I never saw the first movie, but I fell for the hype on Sharknado 2 for SyFy on demand. I didn't really fall for the hype. My wife got home from work late, the news was nothing to cheer about, and we thought something that could be funny would brighten the day. We were wrong. It could have been funny, but it was so bad, outside the action in opening aircraft scene where sharks crashed into a passenger jet at 30,000 feet. The sharks didn't seem concerned that they were spinning in -50 temperatures out of water. All they wanted to do was eat people. I didn't know who most of the characters were in the movie, and I didn't care. Tara Reid looked as if she was on narcotics the entire time. She had this blank look as she mouthed her lines, which made no sense anyway. To show you how ridiculous it was; Tara is blown out of the plane but hangs on with one hand. Forget the plane is going 500 mph. A sky cop hand...

Shrunken Heads

The working cover of Origins. Click to make bigger. Working on my non-fiction book today about all the experiences I've had with the paranormal side and other bizarre events in my life. It's flowing good. I've just edited the first 90 pages again. When I actually sit and think about it, I've had some really bizarre stuff happen to me.  I was thinking about the shrunken head incident this morning. I was at the Natural History museum years ago and they had two Amazon River tribe shrunken heads in a glass case. When I got near the heads they started swinging back and forth. When I moved away they stopped. They didn't move when anyone else got near them, but each time I came close they started swinging while in an airtight glass case. The people I was with got kind of nervous after I showed them what the heads did and we had to leave the room. Pretty weird. Visit the Dennis and Dorothy Marino (Latham) Facebook page Big Band Vocalists

Seeking Women On House Arrest Pictures

True love is a many splendored but sometime shocking thing... Seeking More Pictures I'm still looking for more pictures for my new non-fiction book Women On House Arrest and the Men Who Love Them. I know it's non-fiction, but I will not use real names. I did use the real names of the people above: Nikkoli and Skeeter Restangruder. But they requested their real names be used, since it is not really their real names because they are in a witness protection program under other names. They are hard to get in touch with by normal means. I believe they are somewhere in Alaska. What I intend to show in this book is that relationships can survive almost anything, as long as one of the partners has some money and the ability to live in one place for awhile. I also plan to explore the different brands and manufacturers of ankle bracelets, and the scam artists who often sell small town court systems electronic dog fences in place of house arrest bracelets like the one Nikkoli is we...

The Ghost and the Alarm System

    Been a lot of stress around us lately, dealing most with other things outside the house. Plus, I'm working on my ghost book, and we have a new Doberman. She's six months now and very protective and sleeps with us each night. Before we went to bed, she kept staring and barking at the upper corner near the ceiling in the dining room. It's near the same spot where something evil tried to take me out years ago and I managed to drive it away. About twenty minutes after we went to bed, Greta, sat straight up and growled. She got out of bed, went to the hall windows, saw nothing, and headed downstairs. My wife got out of bed to follow because she said she heard something downstairs, too, and was worried about the dog. A moment later she was running back, yelling for me to get the gun because the alarm was tripped and someone was downstairs. I retrieved my rifle in about 1/10 of second, locked and loaded, and with the dog behind me cleared each room on my way to the alar...

Saturday Ramblings: The Good, The Bad, And Me

The working cover for my new book.  I've been up since about four. I wrote some on my non-fiction book, Origins Of Ghosts , about my experiences with ghosts throughout my life. I'm not a ghost expert, have never tried to see a ghost, and have never wanted to see ghosts or have weird stuff happen to me. But I do, and have almost my entire life. I've also been concentrating more on my singing act with my wife, Dorothy. I've come to understand that some outside evil force stops me from ever being successful at anything I do, and another good force protects me from that evil and any possible death attempt that has been directed my way so far.   I know how this sounds, and it has taken me a long time to accept it. My latest brush with death came when I was standing in front of my desk. Right as I sat down, a lightning bolt came though the window without breaking the glass and exploded with a loud snap crack above my head in a blinding ball of light. Had I re...

New Important Vaccine Released Today

GWN News: Washington Government Says Any Symptom Should Be Considered Malaria A new vaccine push was announced today by the CDC and Federal Government, with the release of 750 million doses of a new preventive Malaria shot named FU714B (Xzopholene  thermosis). The new shot has been given the nickname Big Sting because the needle is 7 inches long and the shot must be given in the hip or stomach to be absorbed.  Despite the fact that malaria is caused by a mosquito usually only found in extreme tropical environments and is not contagious and there are no reported cases in the United States except among refugees, the government and drug manufacturers claim that any symptom of anything should be considered to be malaria. "You can never be too sure," an unidentified source, not authorized to speak about it, said. "That skin rash or that sudden cough could possibly be malaria. That itchy eye or ear could be the deadly infection." The source also said the...

The Ghost In The Corner

Greta can already see things I can't in the corner. The Ghost In The Corner Our dog, Scarlet, reacted the same way before she died.  She would often growl and bark at the same section of wall near the ceiling in our dining room. Now, Greta, our new Dobie does the same thing, only with more intensity. It took Scarlet years to accept the ghost in the corner. Greta does not like it and has yet to accept it. She did it last night several times. We were on the couch in the living room, and she had her head in my lap with a perfect view of the corner near the ceiling in the dining room. She suddenly jumped up and began growling and barking at the same spot.  I've long known that room has a lot of activity. It is the same room where I watched something I couldn't see tear down my Christmas tree in 2000. It had been my living room then. It is the same room where the lights would slowly dim out and then flash three times before going back to normal. There was nothing wr...

The Phone Call

Neither the paper or the government gave any clue about what happened to David. The listing below from the Virtual Wall is for one of my buddies who was KIA in 1968, during an ambush where I should have been killed along with him. I was on the truck, but the company commander made me get off because I was too short (short-timer, not much time left in-country) because he didn't want to risk my being killed since I was just going along as an A-gunner for Chuck Searles in the back of the truck. Both Marines were killed that day. I made a comment on the wall years later, saying that I knew David and left my contact information. About six months later, I got a call from his older brother. His name was Walter. He wanted to know how David had died because no one in the government had ever told the family what had happened. So, thirty years after the war, I had to be the messenger. The convoy was ambushed. David's truck was dead in the road from being hit. Chuck was do...

Why I'm Not Allowed To Groom The Dog

(This is an article I wrote in 2007. Scarlet has since passed from cancer at age 10 and we miss her very much. This is sort of a tribute to her and helps us keep her memory alive in pictures. It also shows the importance of having proper grooming tools. So, following political examples, I take no blame for how much I goofed up while grooming the dog.) We have a list in our house of things I'm not allowed to do. I'm not allowed to touch the laundry. I can't cook, run the dishwasher, iron clothes, fix anything that breaks because I slam it or beat on it, and now I'm not allowed to groom the dog. Genetics made me a hunter-gatherer. It's not my fault. Like a male lion, I growl and stumble to the food, provide protection, and pretty much stay in a prone position. My wife likes it that way because objects remain intact. Last year we took our dog Scarlet (Australian-Shepherd mixed) to a groomer. They charged 70.00 and didn't do anything I ...